Sheva Mitzvos Rap

Old Recording:

Ladies and gents can you spare a minute
I got a message from G-d so come on let's spin it
Seven Noahide laws G-d made for yo
Let me tell to you folks, c'mon let's go

This message I'm bringing you from Chabad
Rule number 1 is believe in one G-d
Rule number 2 and this one's really cool
Don't curse at G-d or you'll look like a fool

Now comes number 3 with this one we'll thrive
Don't cut a limb off an animal while it's alive
It's disgusting to eat from an animal man
While it's jumping around in the frying pan

Now let's get on with this royal appeal
Let me tell you number 4 it's do not steal
Your friends we'll cry while you will laugh
That's not the way for the human to act

Moving on with number 5 even if you know karate
Keep this in mind don't kill nobody
This one's number 6 it's a rule for life
Don't be jealous of your neighbors wife

If you didn't listen to rules 1 through 6
We got a solution for all your dirty tricks
It's rule number 7 and it goes like this
Establish for yourself courts of justice

If you listen to all these laws it will all be great
The world will be a place where we can celebrate
My name is... and I hope we can be friends
And Chabad wishes you a happy weekend

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