Asher yatzar


Nekovim nekovim Asher yatzar

chalulim chalulim Asher yatzar x2

Let me tell you about a brocho my best by far

You say it much too often called Asher yatzar

We all be 'goin bonkers I'm sure you all believe

If our bodies would be sealed with no way to relieve


That shabbos meal was good it was really great

A giant bowl of cholent caused a stomachache

My stomach started swirling it started to swell

And then the whole room well it started to smell


Saying a speech to a very large crowd

Thought the mike was making noises Say a little too loud

Realizing what happened asked to be excused

The crowd they were laughing they were quite amused


How dry I am how wet I'll be

If I don't find the bathroom key

I found the key I opened the door

But it's too late it's on the floor


If this song has some meaning don't make the same mistake

When nature is calling make sure you aren't too late

A man's got to do what a man's got to do

But do us all a favor keep it in the bathroom


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